Green Bonds for JR Kyushu

JR Kyushu defines materiality as points that the JR Kyushu Group must focus on at all times, and we discuss these points in terms of both importance to JR Kyushu and importance to society. We are implementing a variety of initiatives to “address environmental issues (climate change and resource conservation),” which is one of our material issues. For example, our mainstay railway business provides a form of transportation with good energy efficiency and a low environmental burden. To further leverage the distinctive characteristics of railways, we are taking steps to foster efficient energy usage, such as the introduction of energy-saving rolling stock, and we are working to reduce CO₂ emissions, which are a cause of global warming. Through the issuance of green bonds, we will implement initiatives for ESG management in order to realize “what we aim to be” for all stakeholders, including customers, local communities, shareholders and investors, and employees.


the 1st Green Bond

the 2nd Green Bond

the 3rd Green Bond

the 4th Green Bond

the 5th Green Bond

the 6th Green Bond