Respect for Human Rights
Fundamental Approach
The JR Kyushu Group has established the JR Kyushu Group Basic Policy on Human Rights as a guideline for promoting efforts to respect human rights and fulling responsibilities tied to those efforts. This policy is positioned at the highest level of policy regarding human rights and is the basis for all business activities in the group. We will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by working to respect human rights in accordance with this policy
The JR Kyushu Group Basic Policy on Human Rights
Aiming to realize the JR Kyushu Group’s vision of becoming a “corporate group that invigorates Kyushu, Japan, and Greater Asia with safety and service as its foundation”, the JR Kyushu Group conducts sincere, fair and transparent business to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. We recognize that human rights may be impacted as a part of the process of conducting business. To express our intent to honor the human rights of all people involved in business operations, we have established the JR Kyushu Group Basic Policy on Human Rights (hereinafter, “this policy”).
- Fundamental Approach
In addition to domestic law regarding human rights, the JR Kyushu Group supports and respects international norms on human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights*2 and the International Labor Organization’s ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work*3, based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights *1. - Scope This policy applies to all officers and employees*4 of the JR Kyushu Group. We also expect the understanding and support of this policy from our business partners and work together to promote respect for human rights.
- Respect for Human Rights We respect human rights, honoring the diversity of people’s values, individuality and privacy without discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, social status, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, etc.
- Advancement of Efforts that Respect Human Rights
- Human rights due diligence In order to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, we employ human rights due diligence to identify negative impact on human rights, and prevent or mitigate such issues.
- Correction and Remedy In the event that actions have a direct or indirect negative impact on human rights, we take the appropriate steps to handle correction and provide remedy.
- Communication and Discussion with Stakeholders The JR Kyushu Group works to improve respect for human rights by engaging in sincere communication and discussion with our stakeholders.
- Education and Training The JR Kyushu Group provides education and training to ensure proper information and awareness of human rights issues take deep root in our officers and employees, in order to ensure the understanding of this policy and ensure respect for every individual’s human rights.
- Disclosure of Information The JR Kyushu Group appropriately discloses information regarding the status of efforts to respect human rights based on this policy via our website and other means.
- ※1 The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights is a document unanimously endorsed by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2011.This document is an international standard that details the obligation of the state to protect against human rights violations by third parties including companies, the responsibility of companies to ensure respect for human rights internally as well as for their business partners, and the requirement of effective access to means of relief due to human rights violations.
- ※2 The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the first universal standard to declare the rights that all human beings are entitled to and is a common standard that all people and nations should strive to achieve.
- ※3 The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work includes four fundamental rights set as the minimum that must be observed: “freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining”, “elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor”, “effective abolition of child labor”, and “elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation”.
- ※4 “All officers and employees of the JR Kyushu Group” refers to directors, auditors and executive officers of the JR Kyushu Group, persons engaged in duties based on employment contracts with JR Kyushu Group companies and other employees that have been dispatched or temporarily transferred from other companies.
- Human Rights Risks
Harassment incidents (power harassment, sexual harassment, maternity harassment, etc.) - Harassment incidents (power harassment, sexual harassment, maternity harassment, etc.)
- Excessive work hours
- Invasion of privacy
- Inequality between men and women
- Discrimination due to lack of understanding or consideration (DOWA problem, LGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, cultural differences due to nationality or identity)
- Occurrence of safety-threatening events
- Lack of knowledge of the employee consultation office
- Improper operation of the international technical training system
- Prevention and Mitigation Initiatives
- Spread the "JR Kyushu Group Human Rights Basic Policy" (disseminate to business partners)
- Implementation of human rights promotion training through e-learning, rank-based systems, etc.
①Implementation of human rights promotion training through e-learning
【Number of participants in FY2022】JR Kyushu: 5,445 JR Kyushu Group companies: 3,178【Content of Past e-Learning】 FY Details 2018 Three Laws to Eliminate Discrimination 2019 DOWA problem 2020 2020 S 2021 Human Rights Violations on the Internet 2022 Promotion of Human Rights in the JR Kyushu Group
【Number of participants in FY2022】JR Kyushu: 557 JR Kyushu Group companies: 1,000
③Harassment Training
To prevent harassment, harassment training is regularly conducted with legal advisers as lecturers; in training in FY2022, on-site managers learned how to create a harassment-free workplace, including how to deal with harassment cases using specific examples.
【FY2022 results】Number of times held: 5 Number of participants: 78
Harassment Training
- Information dissemination, including human rights promotion handbooks, internal information, etc.
Revised the handbook for the first time in seven years and distributed it to all JR Kyushu Group employees in data format. - Efforts that utilize the feedback of both employees and customers Examples of improvement based on views shared by employees about safety
- Surveys on the Results of Efforts
- Implementation of surveys ・Conducting surveys to determine the level of proficiency after e-learning or training
- Implementation of interviews ・Monitoring overtime to prevent excessive work hours
- Disclosure of Information ・Regular disclosure of information regarding efforts to respect human rights via our website and other means
- Activities as a secretariat company of the Fukuoka City Corporate Social Inclusion Promotion Council
As a secretariat company of the Fukuoka City Corporate Social Inclusion Promotion Council established primarily by companies in Fukuoka, we work with member companies to solve human rights and Burakumin discrimination issues within the local community. Efforts include management of training programs and awareness activities. - Participation in Workshops Relating to Frameworks on Labor Standards
In order to create a better environment for promoting and establishing employment of people with disabilities, we participate in the Business Network for Promoting the Employment of People with Disabilities (SKC Network), which is a workshop that enables the sharing of information and experiences between companies. We also participate in the Happy Community Council, which promotes diversity efforts in the Kyushu Economic Federation. - Respect for the right of collective bargaining for employees
In fiscal year 2022, collective bargaining was held 142 times. - Minimum Wage Guarantee
JR Kyushu Group ensures compliance with minimum wage requirements. In addition to compliance with the legally-mandated minimum wage, which is revised on an annual basis, our labor management goes beyond the standards required by law through means such as the payment of higher wages to our employees.
Initiatives to Support Children's Rights
At JR Kyushu Group, we value children’s right to life, protection, participation and education. In addition, we at JR Kyushu Group provide support for children's rights in company operations and through programs. - Local Employment
JR Kyushu employs local people at the liaison offices it has established in Thailand. JR Kyushu Group is engaged in the management of serviced apartments and hotels, and works together with the operating companies responsible for each facility to provide employment and training to local people in order to ensure the smooth operation of the business and to develop human resources who are familiar with local cultures and business customs. Rules of employment have also been established for each facility and we create working environments in compliance with Thai law.
This policy was approved by the Human Rights Awareness Promotion Committee held on January 24, 2022, and reported at the Board of Directors meeting held on March 1, 2022.

The JR Kyushu Group Human Rights Promotion System
In order to promote the efforts of the "JR Kyushu Group Human Rights Basic Policy," the JR Kyushu Group has established the "JR Kyushu Group Human Rights and Business Ethics Promotion Committee.*In order to further strengthen governance, the "JR Kyushu Group Human Rights Promotion Committee" and the "JR Kyushu Group Business Ethics Committee" were merged to form the new "JR Kyushu Group Human Rights and Business Ethics Committee" effective April 1, 2023

Human Rights Due Diligence Efforts
The JR Kyushu Group promotes efforts in human rights due diligence based on the JR Kyushu Group Basic Policy on Human Rights. Human rights due diligence proceeds according to the following four steps: ① Identification of human rights risks, ② Prevention and mitigation initiatives, ③ Surveys on the results of efforts, ④ Disclosure of information. Furthermore, the following efforts are regularly implemented for each. 1. Identification of Human Rights Risks Human rights risks are identified by conducting surveys and questionnaires regarding human rights risks in the JR Kyushu Group and considering social conditions, etc.
Handbook for the Promotion of Human Rights
Examples of improvement based on customer feedback
・Conducted a questionnaire survey of JR Kyushu Group companies on the content of their training on human rights, their approach to each risk, and items where human rights risks are assumed to be high. Conducted a questionnaire survey on
・Conduct interviews and on-site surveys of Group companies employing foreign apprentices.
Whistleblowing that Protects Human Rights
JR Kyushu Group has established a whistleblowing system as a channel for reports relating to issues such as compliance and human rights. Anonymity can be maintained when making a report, and information such as the name of the person making a report is kept in strict confidence. Reports are thoroughly investigated and the company shall provide remedies to affected parties where it has been identified that it has caused or contributed to impacting on human rights. See below for the whistleblowing system. See below for the whistleblowing system.JR Kyushu Group employees and our suppliers JR Kyushu Group Corporate Ethics Hotline
Customers, Local communities Customer consultation center
Other Human Rights Efforts
Safety workshops
We engage in educational activities to prevent accidents at railway crossings through measures such as holding railway crossing safety workshops at kindergartens and elementary schools. JR Kyushu has also designated February 3rd each year as “Railway Crossing Day” and engages in activities to raise awareness of railway crossing safety. As part of “Railway Crossing Day” events such as a railway crossing safety workshop are held at the small covered space in Hakata station square.

VIVISTOP HAKATA, located on the 10th floor of JR Hakata City, is a facility that provides creative activities for kids and supports innovation. VIVISTOP is a creative learning environment with bases expanding across Japan and around the world. These efforts help children realize their ideas through cutting-edge creative tools, such as 3D printers and laser cutters.

Children's Work Visit Day Mirai Project (workplace experience)
Each year, JR Kyushu and its group companies participate in the Children's Work Visit Day Mirai Project, which is held at companies in Fukuoka Prefecture with the aim of providing children with the opportunity to gain experience of society by seeing their parents and guardians at work and fostering respect and gratitude for the work that they do.

Category | Number of employees |
Bangkok Office | 2 |
Shama Lakeview Asoke Bangkok | 93 |
Aloft Bangkok Sukhumvit 11 | 143 |
Total | 238 |